GROWING together
Training Projects
Growing together means designing and implementing courses, models and training tools that ensure an effective transfer of skills between generations and facilitate the insertion of young people in current production contexts, at the same time enhancing the potential of senior managers as learning facilitators. Recipients are classes IV and V of high schools.
GOING together
Extracurricular Trainings
Going together proposes interventions aimed at combating early school leaving and the risk of social exclusion in order to facilitate integration into the world of work. It includes job orientation courses with particular attention to the enhancement of multiculturalism and multi-ethnicity. Recipients are Vocational Training Centers.
COOPERATE together
International Cooperation
Cooperate together has as its mission the contribution to the development process of depressed areas, both in Italy and abroad, through interventions that allow the transfer of techniques, technologies, experiences and knowledge, always respecting local cultures. The aim is human promotion, the quality of life, the defense of the environment, the dignity and freedom of people.
Venice – Ukraine: exclusive Business Forum at Ca’ Vendramin Palace
June 30, 2022
The Event Venice: on the 1st of March 2017, an exclusive business forum was held at the Ca’ Vendramin Palace. Its aim was to present tangible opportunities for Veneto businesses in the Ukraine. A most important occasion especially now that the Country’s accessed to the EU. It was also a good opportunity to make a […]
In memory of Edmondo Schmidt, by our associate Paolo Mosca
July 31, 2017
Edmondo Schmidt Dear VSP associates, I would like to spend some time to talk about Edmondo Schmidt, from Freidberg, who sadly left us in December 2016. Edmondo and I met in 1996, as I was nearing retirement, when an old friend of mine and associate of ours, Gianni De Luca, suggested I get in touch […]
Anni di attività
Missioni condotte
Donate your Time
Thanks to its network of institutional partners, starting with CESES (European Confederation of Professional Experts) and other 18 associations in Italy including Sodalitas, our members have the opportunity to discuss and collaborate on projects and initiatives at the highest professional levels.
If you too want to donate your job expertise, making it available for those who really need it, send us your CV at We'll contact you.
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