Our History

VSP odv is an Italian volunteering Association, which was founded in Turin towards the end of 1986. Its original name was “Volontari Senior per il Progresso”, and it was established thanks to the initiative of a group of senior managers who, at the time, were leaving the world of work. The association was establishet, also, thanks to the collaboration of the Fondazione Agnelli and Lions International.

VSP is now called “Volontari Senior Professionali” and it’s a free, non-political and non-denominational Association that carries out its activity in accordance with Italian law n°. 266/1991 (law on volunteering).

In 1998, VSP odv also obtained the ONLUS qualification (Non-Lucrative Organization of Social Utility) which allows it to benefit from the tax advantages provided for that category by Legislative Decree No. 460/1997 (Reorganization of the tax discipline of non-commercial entities and organizations not lucrative of social utility).

To date, VSP has completed more than 600 technical-professional interventions (so called missions) in over 60 countries around the world.

For more information about VSP odv (Italian volunteering Association), TAP HERE